OSATE-DIM: Supported View Updates

OSATE-DIM Supports de-instantiation of a wide general class of view-updates.

  1. Create
  2. Update Name
  3. Refine Category
  4. Refine Classifier
  5. Delete
  • Component Name Update for the root of the Instance tree is not supported. This is theoretically limited because the name of the .aaxl2 file containing the instance model is derived from the name of the root. Violations will be reverted. 
  • Component Category Update not supported. This is pragmatically limited due to high complexity of metamodel involving re-creation of all related subcomponent refinements, and component classifiers. Bypassed by deletion and re-creation of new component with changed category. Violations will be reverted. 
  • Component Classifier Update not supported. This is theoretically limited, because the contents of the Component may become invalid. Bypassed by deletion and re-creation of new component with changed classifier. Violations will be reverted. 
  1. Create
  2. Update Name
  3. Refine Direction
  4. Update Direction
  5. Refine Kind
  6. Update Kind
  7. Delete
  • Feature Groups not supported. If needed, please file an Issue in the OSATE-DIM GitLab repository.
  • All characteristics related to features can be updated because of minimal dependency on other model elements.
  1. Create
  2. Update Source
  3. Update Destination
  4. Refine Kind
  5. Update Kind
  6. Refine Bidirectional
  7. Update Bidirectional
  8. Delete
  • Connection Name Update is not supported. This is theoretically limited because the connection name is generated from the names of the source and destination features. Cannot be bypassed. Violations will be reverted.
  • Connection Source and Destination Update may result in new intermediate ConnectionInstanceEnds not being de-instantiated to the highest level. This is to ensure that refinees of the connection have access to the ends.  
  • Direct updates to the ConnectionReferences are not recommended. Violations are not detected.
  1. Create
  2. Update Name
  3. Update Initial
  4. Update Binding
  5. Delete
  1. Create
  2. Update Name
  3. Update Source
  4. Update Destination
  5. Delete
  1. Create
  2. Update Property of PropertyAssociation
  3. Update inModes of ModalPropertyValue
  4. Update Value of PropertyValue
  5. Delete